Industrial & Marine Paint Production

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1.Marine paints

2.Two pack Epoxy


4.Anti-Skid Deck Enamel

5.Stoving Enamel

6.Floor paint

7.Road Making paint

8.Silicon High Temperature paint

9.FireRetartant paint

10.Chemical Resistant paint

11.Auto paints

12.Wood/Cellulose paints


14.Under coat(primer)


15.Cellulose Base paint

16.Bitumen Paint\

17.Polyurethane Paint

Introduction: Marine paints are specialized coatings used in the marine 
industry (on and offshore), they are highly environmental effect resistant 
paints. Marine paints are severally designed (formulated) to resist:-
 Saline environment (salt water, etc)
 Corrosion & Rust
 Chemicals 
 Foulings, etc
They come in different types as primers, undercoats, top coats, enamels 
finishers etc. Marine paints are also available in different colours.
Raw Materials
The major raw materials include:-
1. Resins: These are epoxy, chlorinated rubber, phenolic, versamid 
(polyamide), vinyl, butadiene, rosin, alkyd, nitrocellulose, silicon, urea 
formaldehyde etc.
2. Solvents: Aromatic, Alcohols, glycols, ketones, esters and acetales are
among very common solvents in use.
3. Pigments: Oxides, inorganic and organic pigments are used, colours 
include the usual Black, White, Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, 
Indigo and Violet. The usual eight primary colours.
4. Additives: Accelerators, anti-setting agents, thickeners, linking agent, 
plasticizers, fixing agents, stabilizers, anti-fouling, thixothrophic agents 
Equipment & Tools: The same set of equipment for enamel or other paints
are used.
Packaging Materials. The same as in other paints.
Production Method:
A Formulation Notes: Important Solvent Groups
Aliphatics Aromatics Alcohols Ketone Glycols Esters
1. Petrol Toluene Methanol Acetone Ethylgycol Ethyl Acetate
2. White spirit Xylene Ethanol MEK Propy Glycol Propy Acetate
3. Kerosene Shelsol Isopropanol M.I.B.K. Glycerol Butyl Acetate
4. Diesel Pegasus 100 Butanol Isophorone Butyl Glycol Amyl Acetate
Note: The higher on the table the more volatile. The lower on the table the 
stronger its ability to dissolve resins.
M.E.K. = Methyl Ethyl Ketone
M.I.B.K = Methyl Iso Butyl Ketone
I.P.A = Isopropanol (Iso propylalcohol)

  • Availability: In Stock

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